Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Training update!

The triathlon training has been going great!  I have a purpose behind my weekly workout schedule and I have discovered this exactly what was missing from my life- STRUCTURE.  I have been finding ways to train with Lily or while she is napping.  We had a beautiful weather weekend last weekend and I took Lily for a long run on the Greenway (she slept 90% of the time).  The run felt so good and I know I was in higher heart rate zone pushing that darn jogging stroller. I wish the weather was nice all of the time, but it probably will be a couple more months before I can regularly train outside.  So, I set up my bike trainer and I have been cycling in the living room during Lily's naps.  I squeeze in the swims, weight training and additional workouts before or after work appointments when Lily is with her baby sitter a couple days per week or on the weekends when Ben can watch her.  So no more excuses, I have used my creativity to overcome my obstacles. 

Bike ride in the living room, you can see that Otis was very supportive sleeping in the background ;-)

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