Just as I blogged yesterday about having structure and great workouts... karma hit! Lily woke up with the flu. She slept from 8pm-12am and then she was up every 30 minutes after that. Ben thought it was just teething but my mommy intuition told me there was a bigger problem. Her temp spiked at 103 this morning, so off to the doctor we went. She has the same flu bug as she did over the New Year's holiday. Hopefully we all will not pass it around again like we did last month. As soon as I got back from the pediatrician office I started immune building strategies for myself:
Big mug of green tea with fresh lemon juice
Extra vitamin C supplement
Drinking lots of water
I took some homeopathic meds that are supposed to work if you take them early enough
Other regular immune boosting things I do daily is take my multi-vitamin, drink a power packed smoothie (fruit, juice, wheat germ, chia seeds, and plain Greek yogurt) take my fish oil, and get my 8-10 servings of fruits and veggies in daily and workout most days of the week.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can dodge this one! A sick mommy is NOT a happy mommy!
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