Thanksgiving was fantastic. Nothing beats quality time with family and good food.
Nana and Pops are here - yey!
I love my new toy from nana and pops!
We are in Augusta and Great Aunt Liz's house, so excited
knock knock
tickle time!
Her favorite thing to do at GAL's house
This was taken the morning after Thanksgiving dinner, haha
Dancing while she was getting the paper in, my little diva will dance anytime and any place!
Walk after mom and nana's Thanksgiving run :-0
I'm too cute and I know it!
Practicing for summer!
watching cartoons
mommy and Lily
slept through the official Thanksgiving dinner - good thing we had leftovers
Grandpa and Aunt Liz
My love
Slim pops and Lily
shy little eater, no one can watch her!