Thursday, March 31, 2011

Meat glue - really?! Our food industry is out of control!

Watch this video:

In a nutshell, some irresponsible companies in the meat industry are binding poor cuts of meat together with toxic meat glue, the glued meat appears to look like an expensive cut (so they sell it at the price of expensive meat) and the company makes a profit off of poor cuts of meat glued together.... YUCK!!!!  It has become apparent that money is more important than health when it comes to our food industry.  Our country as a whole has become insulin resistant with hard arteries due to the chemicals in our food. 

In order to feed yourself and family well, you have to be a detective to buy safe foods and supplements.  Let’s stop looking the other way and start investing in our health by buying all natural and organic foods and credible supplements.  Our government will only change when there is no longer a profit being made on mainstream foods.  I am disgusted with the dangerous measures taken to cut corners and make a profit, out health and our children's health is at risk.  It seems like every time I log onto the internet or go to a seminar I learn about horrible strategies to make money but put our health at more of a risk in our food industry.  Stay educated and don’t ignore the writing on the walls buy quality foods and supplements and hopefully our voices will be heard. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You know your running form sucks when...

"Bucket Man" corrects your form.  Who is bucket man?  He is about 50 years old, 7 ft tall and approximately 300 pounds.  I think he lives with family who takes care of him, lets just say he is not the sharpest pencil in the box.  He always has 2 buckets with him, sometimes rides a bike and roams the streets of the Suwanee/Lawrenceville area, from what I gather he is completely harmless just a little odd.

Today on mile 4 of my 4, 1-mile repeats, I was getting tired and could feel my post preggo tummy flab starting to pooch out and my arms creeping up into "bad form mode" but to be honest the pollen count was through the roof and the heat was intense I just wanted to finish this last split.  Then, here comes bucket man walking towards me ( I think he collects cans in the buckets, maybe picks up trash, not really sure????)  he stops dead in his tracks and stares at me as I run by (seemed like forever), I politely said hello, then here it is.... he says, "Drop your arms a little and swing more, you'll go faster!"  In my head I'm thinking, "Really?!  he just corrected my form? I'm the trainer/coach who people buy training sessions for me to correct their form, WTH?.  I have to admit, lately my athletic confidence and training is getting back to my pre-baby fitness level, and I am damn proud it's taken forever, but this threw me for a loop.  Life is funny that way, you can run around feeling like a bad ass and one comment from someone unexpected can put you right back into a humble place.  I will make sure my form rocks next time I "run" into bucket man and I have come to the realization that I still have a lot of work to do!

Maybe my new coach, aka bucket man will give me some more pointers if he sees me cycling, lol.  I'll keep you posted!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Things that have changed since I became a mommy.

-I takes 4 times as long to get out of the house in the morning with princess Lily.

-I have not slept a solid 5 hours since Lily was born, and even if she sleeps through the night I still wake up wondering if she is okay.

-I celebrate Lily pooping (during constipation periods of course)

-I don't flush the toilet in the middle of the night in fear of waking her up

-I can relate to my mom in a completely different and special way.

-Time flies by super fast

-I have completely quit procrastinating my workouts, when I can get them in I cherish them.  Extra time is too precious to procrastinate anymore.

-When Lily smiles my mood can swing from completely crappy to happy in a second.

-I have become an excellent planner- no more flying by the seat of my pants!

-I have discovered a love that I never knew before

- I have never done this much laundry in my life, and I know that it will only get worse!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday Fun Day!

Lily, Ben and I had a long travel day on Saturday, we went to a wedding in South Georgia, saw Ben and Kham for dinner, so needless to say we relaxed this Sunday.  With the time change we slept in, cleaned up the house and Lily and I went for a long run on the Greenway while Ben was studying (she slept and I worked!).  After we got back from the run we enjoyed the beautiful weather more, she got in her new swing!

Sorry sports drinks- there are new all natural alternatives to your high fructose corn syrup and sodium.

I was teaching my Pilates class a couple of weeks ago and on got on a random soap box I started telling everyone to give up the sports drinks, kids and adults should not consume them.  In my book they are just as harmful as soda, they are loaded with chemicals, high fructose corn syrup sugars and sodium that can pack on the pounds and rot your teeth (or your kid's precious teeth) all at the same time.  Typically if you are working out for 90 minutes or less drinking plain old water will maintain hydration. 

I have been competing in triathlons and long distance running events for years, and yes, caloric drinks are beneficial during long runs, rides, swims, games, matches etc.  BUT you don't have to reach for the mainstream sports drinks.  For my Ironman training and race I drank diluted organic white grape juice with a dash of sea salt.  The potassium is high, which helps prevent muscle cramping and the sea salt replenished the sodium I lost through sweat during my race or long training sessions, and the calories were not laced with high fructose corn syrup, just pure grape juice :-) .  Another recent "natural sports drink" of choice has been all natural coconut water.  I prefer the pomegranate acai flavor; again this drink is loaded with potassium and all natural ingredients.  * Please note you only need to add sea salt if you are losing sodium by sweating profusely over a long period of time (2+ hours).  Adding sea salt is not necessary for taking a step class or going out for a 4 mile run.  Another all natural sports drink many triathletes use is Cerasport, I have tried this all natural product and it works wonders too!

Me, rehydrating with my coconut juice after my long run yesterday on the Greenway Lily took a nice long nap in her jogging stroller the entire run!  So, next time you reach for or think to give your kids a sports drink think again, you will save their teeth and the future of their metabolism.  The excessive amount of high fructose corn syrup and sodium is not worth it. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I love catching up with friends!

I love how at 7 months she knows how to smile and pose for the camera, she is a piece of work!
We had a great day, I worked most of the morning on the computer then we met up with Tosha for a run in Buckhead.  It is so nice to run with a friend and catch up on each other's lives while getting the benefits of a great run.  Plus Lily had a great nap in her stroller, the more bumps the better! 

After the run we came home and got cleaned up and met up with Karen and Makayla.  Karen is the awesome friend who gave me all of her baby stuff, I think we had our entire garage filled with Makayla's hand me downs.  This was a life saver! 

We owed them a visit and it was great catching up with this friend too!  Here is Makayla with Lily, she took care of Lily so well! 

This was a day where I can say my "cup was filled up" with great quality time with friends, we need to do this more often!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Counting my blessings

I have started a new "thing" for my bed time routine with Lily.  Instead of using a lamp to rock her to sleep I light a small candle, fire is so beautiful compared to a light bulb.  I guess it reminds me of Christmas Eve candlelight services at church sitting next to my grandma and grandpa as a little girl or telling scary stories around a campfire, or lighting a fire for a snuggly night at home with the family.  As I was putting Lily down tonight I was thinking about how we have been blessed with so much.  In this crazy world we are trained to think about the negative occurances and very rarely embrace all of the positives.  We have so many positives in our life and would love to thank God for giving us healthy children, a cozy house to call home, regular pay checks to allow us to make our bills, I am blessed with a healthy body that gives me the ability to train and compete in triathlon, and enjoy the out doors and being active with my family.  Most importantly I am blessed with a fantastic husband with a beautiful heart who is my soul mate and a family that loves me unconditionally and are willing to help me out whenever I stumble on a hardship.  I hope you can light a candle in this crazy world and take a moment to appreciate your blessings like I did tonight!  Till next time-D